To schedule an appointment – click the link below!


** Neuro-Optometry evaluations should be scheduled at the Richfield location. Exceptions must be made with office manager by calling our office. Thank you! **


Wallerich Eye Care

* Vision Plans Accepted

* Located inside Target Optical

1300 University Ave W
St. Paul, MN 55104
Telephone: (612) 643-3525

Schedule Appointment at St. Paul

Wallerich Eye Care

* Vision Plans Accepted

* Located inside Target Optical

8225 Flying Cloud Drive
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Telephone: (612) 699-8525

Schedule Appointment at Eden Prairie

Swoop Eye Care

* No Vision plans Accepted

* Neuro-Optometry Visits

817 E 66th St
Richfield, MN 55423
Tel (clinic): (612) 488-1566

Schedule Appointment at Richfield

Please familiarize yourself with the No-Show/24 Hour Cancellation Policy.
No Show/24 Hour Cancellation Policy